Hillary R. Bogner, MD, MSCE
Dr. Bogner investigates how medical co-morbidity -- such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic medical conditions -- modifies response to depression treatment. Based on findings from patient interviews, Dr. Bogner developed an intervention integrating depression treatment with medical treatment for cardiovascular disease and has published the results of pilot studies testing its effectiveness. The intervention was informed by the findings of a K23 Award and a RWJF Generalist Physician Faculty Scholars Award. To further examine the effectiveness of integrated interventions for depression and cardiovascular disease, she was awarded a Grant-in-Aid Award from the American Heart Association and a Clinical Research Award from the American Diabetes Association. She carried out a R34 (NIMH) to assess the feasibility of an intervention trial to improve adherence to depression and hypertension treatment. She was also awarded an R21 (NIMH) to assess how different primary care practices approach implementation of the chronic care model for depression and diabetes with the ultimate goal of developing a tool kit to facilitate implementation. She completed an R01 (NIMH) study to examine the course of depressive symptoms and medical comorbidity, studying the risk factors for the onset of major depression and suicidal ideation. She was the Principal Investigator on a funded Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) project to fill gaps in the understanding of health care disparities as experienced by adults with disabilities and how differences in the quality of care received might be impacting their wellbeing. She also had a funded (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) AHRQ K18 career enhancement award in PCOR to adapt an intervention integrating Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) treatment and depression through a participatory design to include patient prioritized planning (PPP) for empowering and enabling patients to become more involved in their care. Along with David Mandell ScD and Kyle M. Kampman MD in psychiatry, she was recently awarded a U01 (NIMH) to refine and rigorously compare collaborative care models for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) and depression, PTSD or anxiety in primary care.
Content Area Specialties
Adherence, aging, cardiovascular epidemiology, patient-oriented research, prevention, psychiatric epidemiology, psychosocial, public health, depression
Methods Specialties
Health services research, multivariate analysis