Longitudinal and Clustered Data in Epidemiologic Research

EPID 6210
Fall term
1 CU
Completion of EPID 5270 or equivalent preparation in biostatistics, including generalized linear models, principles of first-year calculus and matrix algebra. Permission of Instructor

An introduction to the principles of and methods for longitudinal and clustered data analysis with special emphasis on clinical, epidemiologic, and public health applications. Designed for advanced MS and PhD-level students in epidemiology and related fields. Marginal and conditional methods for continuous and binary outcomes. Mixed effects and hierarchical models. Simulations for power calculations. Software will include Stata and R. Prerequisite: Completion of EPID 5260 and 5270 or equivalent preparation in biostatistics, including generalized linear models. Completion of semester curse in principles of epidemiology or equivalent. Good working knowledge of Stata and SAS and familiarity with principles of first-year calculus and matrix algebra. Permission of course director.