[CRIC] Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study

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Funding: NIDDK
Investigators: Dember, L.M.

The CRIC Study is an NIDDK-funded longitudinal cohort study established in 2001 with the Scientific and Data Coordinating Center (SDCC) located at Penn (Dember, L.M., PI). The original aim of CRIC was to establish a clinical research laboratory designed to (a) identify novel predictors of CKD progression, and (b) characterize the manifestations of CVD and identify its risk factors among individuals with CKD. Since its inception, the CRIC Study has recruited and followed a racially and ethnically diverse cohort of over 5,000 participants with reduced kidney function from 13 clinical recruitment sites across the US. Data and specimens obtained in this study serve as a national resource for investigating chronic renal disease and cardiovascular disease. This cohort also provides an opportunity to examine genetic, environmental, behavioral, and nutritional factors in this population.

The CRCU has successfully supported the Scientific and Data Coordinating Center (SDCC), led by Dr. Feldman (PI) and Dr. Landis (CO-PI) since the inception of CRIC in 2001-2022 and Dr. Dember (PI) since 2022. The CRCU provides comprehensive project management, data management and research technology services to this large-scale multi-center epidemiological cohort study, and has established a stable research network of clinical, laboratory, imaging and service centers that support its diverse scientific activities through standardization and uniformity of procedures, high data quality and collaboration across multiple research sites.  

See also CRIC Ancillary Studies

CRIC Website