The BAC is staffed by experienced, Master's-level biostatisticians and programmers who work in collaboration with CCEB faculty members. BAC staff are skilled in applying a wide range of statistical methods including (but not limited to) linear regression, logistic regression, mixed models analysis, repeated measures analysis, and survival analysis. The team has vast experience using tools such as SAS, Stata, and R. Additionally, there is a large pool of prior analyses and database management from which to pull code, maximizing efficiency. Pairing with the BAC is a cost-effective option for investigators who do not have enough ongoing work to support a dedicated full-time biostatistical analyst: the BAC is able to start working on a project as soon as the investigator is ready, with costs only accruing when effort is utilized.
Effort can vary over the life of the project, as needed; gaps during any period of time are not an issue. When requested, the BAC is able to assign independent dual analysts or develop annotated code to meet the rigorous requirements of high impact journal review. The BAC’s high internal standards for organizing project files and documenting analytic processes allow for other members of the team to step in, should additional staffing be needed or if the primary BAC analyst is out of the office.