Nandita Mitra, PhD
Dr. Mitra's primary research interests include the design and analysis of observational studies, causal inference, and statistical approaches for cost-effectiveness analysis. She has developed doubly robust approaches to estimation of cost-effecctiveness measures, nonparametric influence function based instrumental variable estimators for censored outcomes, and model-based sensitivity analysis approaches. She has collaborated with investigators in oncology, health policy, and genetics and has been lead statistician on studies of the comparative and cost-effectiveness of competing therapies using large observational databases.
Dr. Mitra is the department's Vice Chair of Faculty Professional Development, Co-Director of the Center for Causal Inference, and Chair of the Graduate Group in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. In addition, she is Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee of the International Biometrics Society and Chair-Elect of the American Statisitcal Association Statistics in Epidemiology Section. She is Editor-in-Chief of Obserational Studies and Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
Content Area Specialties
Health policy, health economics, cancer outcomes
Methods Specialties
Causal inference, propensity scores and instrumental variables approaches