Undergraduate Medical Education

Faculty members of the CCEB and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics (DBEI) direct and lead Module I and Module II courses and research programs for medical students.


Epidemiology and Biostatistics
This Module I, first-semester course provides a basic introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics for first-year medical students. It centers on concepts essential to critically appraising medical literature and to applying clinical evidence to patient care. The course includes lectures and small-group workshops and is taught by a wide range of faculty members. Joshua Baker, MD, MSCE, directs the course.

Evidence-Based Medicine
This course is taught by CCEB and other relevant faculty at the end of Module II, just before students enter their clinical clerkships.  Students learn how to acquire medical evidence from various sources and apply it to medical care, integrating patient preferences into the process.  The course combines lectures with workshops that simulate clinical scenarios students will encounter in their clerkships. This approach is designed to help students feel comfortable with the process, and, more specifically, helps prepare them to gather and use evidence to inform diagnosis and treatment decisions for patients, during clerkship rotations and beyond.

Allison Willis, MD, MS, and Jennifer Han, MD, MSCE, direct the course.  Questions can be directed to Michelle McCarthy, mccarth@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.

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