CCEB Seminar- Andrew E. Jaffe, PhD

Thursday, June 14, 2018
9:00 am - 10:00 am
06/14/18 - 9:00am to 06/14/18 - 10:00am
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John Morgan Building, 3620 Hamilton Walk, "Class of 62", Philadelphia, PA 19104
"Dissecting Transcriptomic Signatures of Development and Dysregulation in the Human Brain"   Andrew E. Jaffe, PhDAssistant ProfessorLieber Institute for Brain Development and the Departments of Mental Health and BiostatisticsJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health   I work largely at the intersection of genomics, biostatistics, and computational biology, leveraging large datasets to better understand how genomic signatures associate with human brain development and subsequent dysregulation in mental illness. My research consists of several broad, and often overlapping, domains: 1) developing statistical methodology and corresponding software tools for the spatial analysis of epigenomic and transcriptomic data across the genome, 2) developing and applying computational approaches in genomic data to identify new biological insights in development and aging, and 3) identifying molecular signatures related to causes and consequences of mental disorders in human postmortem brain samples.