The Penn Center for Eye-Brain Health (PennEBH) seeks to establish eye-brain connections, its role in the pathological processes of brain aging and ADRD and, ultimately, innovate therapeutic strategies for brain diseases.
Primary research areas:

- Identify and validate clinically useful retinal imaging and pathological phenotypes for brain aging and Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD).
- Elucidate the genetic and genomic basis of eye-brain connections.
- Evaluate putative causal mechanisms and predictive capabilities of retinal biomarkers for brain disorders.
PennEBH Board of Directors
With the support of the CCEB, co-investigators Dr. Jin Jin (Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and CCEB Senior Scholar), Dr. Bingxin Zhao (Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School), Dr. Joan M O’Brien (Harold G. Scheie-Nina C. Mackall Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of the Penn Medicine Center for Genetics in Complex Diseases), and Dr. Li-San Wang (Peter C. Nowell, M.D. Professor, Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Co-Director for the Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center) founded The Penn Center for Eye-Brain Health (PennEBH) with the aim of establishing eye-brain connections, its role in the pathological processes of brain aging and ADRD and, ultimately, innovating therapeutic strategies for brain diseases.
